FTC Affiliate Disclosure

You will note that this site uses both banner and text ad campaigns from sponsors that compensate SayStudent.com for placement of their product ads and services on this site. A common practice within the industry.

SayStudent.com also uses affiliate campaigns that may be displayed as text links or images. When you click on these affiliate programs and make a purchase, a commission may be credited to this site. The fees that we receive help defray the operating costs of the site.

SayStudent.com is provided FREE of charge without user registration. It is not owned or operated by any advertiser or company who may have a vested interest in promoting their services or products. The placement of affiliate and advertising programs is upon the sole discretion of site management.

This site does provide links to external sites that we feel provide valuable information regarding the topics that are supplied by this site. We receive many requests from outside companies requested to be listed. We review each request thoroughly. If we find that they provide valuable information, we may choose to list them as a recommended resource for decision-making. Most of these listings are not affiliated programs. They are provided as informational resources for the site user.

Our affiliate campaigns may include but are not limited to Commission Junction, Amazon.com, Google Affiliate Network and others.

We invite you to visit our privacy policy page for information regarding your privacy.