Different Types of Medical Professions
Written by SayStudent Adminstration // 2021/01/05 // Academics // Comments Off on Different Types of Medical Professions

Professions within the medical field are incredibly diverse and distinctive. Because human bodies are complex and intricate systems, specific specializations, sub-specialties, or focuses can be found in abundance. While it isn’t possible to fully list all the kinds of medical professions here, we can focus on a few common and alternative career choices.
Whether you desire to study medicine for its lucrative or fulfilling benefits, your overall training period depends on a chosen career path. Let’s take a closer look at these varying different types of medical professions.
Nurse Practitioners
Nurse practitioners are advanced practiced nurses on a higher pay grade. Unlike the jobs of RNs, or registered nurses who work alongside other nursing staff, the role of a nurse practitioner grants greater responsibility and freedom. Since these medical professionals have expertise with a master’s or doctorate degree, they typically do not have to work directly under supervision from a physician, although they may collaborate with doctors. Their job is to diagnose and treat patients as they serve as primary care providers similar to family doctors.
Out of the numerous different types of medical professions, phlebotomists may perform one of the most essential functions that remains at the core of the healthcare industry. Phlebotomists, or phlebotomy technicians, are trained to draw blood for various medical tests or clinical analysis. They perform blood draws on the regular which is a hands-on role that provides direct patient care. They may complete administrative duties as well and can work in an array of healthcare facilities.
This mouthful of a profession has a wide scope of practice. Cytotechnologists are lab professionals who study bodily tissues, fluids, and cells within a laboratory setting. Their work is at the forefront of detecting illnesses such as cancer, viral or bacterial infections, as well as other abnormal conditions within the body. Cytotechnologists can work at private labs, hospital labs, or even universities. This kind of profession calls for quick and accurate results, so potential careerists must be able to handle stress and enjoy working independently and meticulously with a microscope.
Radiologists are medical doctors who utilize image technology and their extensive medical knowledge from years of intense study to diagnose, treat, and monitor various illnesses or injuries. Over time, imaging has become an even more powerful and crucial tool to provide the most accurate results and the best patient care in the medical field. Radiologists are experts in x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, and MRI scans in order to help hundreds of patients a month.
No matter which healthcare profession or medical specialty you choose to go into, all potential employees should be aware of their safety rights within the workplace. When you choose to work within the healthcare field, there are potential hazards and dangers from the demands of the job.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires medical employers to follow specific requirements such as radiation standards or blood born pathogen standards depending on employees’ roles and tasks. It’s best to have this upfront knowledge of such risks as you move closer to a career. Whatever profession you choose, know you can achieve great career satisfaction in a healthcare role.
image credit: envato.com