Ways To Stay Safe on Campus
Written by SayStudent Adminstration // 2021/03/16 // Academics // Comments Off on Ways To Stay Safe on Campus

Your college’s campus is a convenient and exciting place to be. It’s where you’ll find most of your classes, along with popular hangout locations such as the cafe and the library. We like to assume our college’s campus is safe, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared in case of an emergency.
You could be exposed to sickness or be the victim of a harmless (but irritating) prank or even a crime. Whether you’re a college freshman or a graduate student, there are plenty of ways to stay safe on campus. Let’s go over some simple things you can do to keep yourself safe whether you’re walking to class, working on a group project, or hanging out with friends.
Familiarize Yourself With Safety Resources
When you have the time, familiarize yourself with your college or university’s safety resources. Every college should have an emergency line. It’s important to figure out what the number for it is and save it as one of your contacts, preferably setting it to speed dial.
If you’re feeling woozy after a party, you might be able to utilize a sober driver service to drive you back to your dorm. Some colleges and universities will have escorts who can walk you across campus at night, which is a great resource to utilize for your night classes.
Take Simple Precautions
The best way to stay safe on campus is to take smaller precautions throughout the day. You should always lock the door to your dorm or your car after you leave, for one. This will prevent people from stealing your personal items. It’s also important to keep your phone on you.
Most students will carry their phones in a pocket or in a backpack, but most will forget to charge them at one point or another. A wireless charger is a great thing to carry in your bag. Another thing you might want to have in your bag is an everyday carry kit. An everyday carry kit is essentially an emergency kit.
You should include a good quality pocketknife, a multi-tool, a flashlight, a pen, your smartphone, and your wallet as part of your kit. There are flashlights that are specifically designed for everyday use.
These flashlights are smaller than normal flashlights and can fit snugly into the palm of your hand. They come in different sizes and with different features, so make sure to choose one that best suits your needs.
Wear a Mask
A lot of colleges and universities are returning to an in-person schedule. An in-person schedule comes with a lot of benefits, including face-to-face learning and the ability to meet with fellow students, but it also comes with a lot of dangers.
It’s important to keep yourself safe from illness, so make sure to wear a mask whenever you’re around other people. You should also be sure to regularly wash your hands or use hand sanitizer if you’re in a rush.
There’s nothing worse than getting sick, so make sure to prioritize your health! Taking the necessary precautions while you’re on campus will help keep your classmates, friends, and family healthy, making it an action that doesn’t just benefit you, but everyone else, too.
image credit: twenty20.com