Projects That Contribute to Saving the Bees
Written by SayStudent-admin // 2022/05/13 // Student Living // Comments Off on Projects That Contribute to Saving the Bees

Believe it or not, we can thank honeybees for every one in three bites of food we eat! The world’s pollinator powerhouses have a job that never lets them rest. Our ecosystem and diverse plant life depend on these creatures since they pollinate more than 100 types of crops in the US alone.
Unfortunately, the bee population has been slowly decreasing throughout the years due to pesticide use and parasites, to name a few. Because humans benefit from the honeybee population so much, it’s crucial that we do our part to care for them and involve the younger generation(s) so that they respect this important animal. Therefore, future teachers and current students should consider these projects that contribute to saving the bees.
Grow Native Plants
Growing native wildflowers offer a nectar source for bees. Therefore, consider involving people in a community wildflower patch and garden. You can also do this as a school project. Cultivating a landscape that has a plethora of colors, shapes, sizes, and bloom times will give more curb appeal to the area and contribute to the efforts to help the bees. Seed flings are perfect for tossing into these areas as well. Native plants are an essential way to increase habitats for honeybees.
Bee Pond
Bees need water just like any other animal. Although they can’t get their wings wet or go for a swim, they like to land and take a sip if possible. Students can create a one-of-a-kind shallow bee pond with pie pans, pebbles, and water. This lets bees have somewhere to land and sip some water. The best part is you don’t need to clean this water, either; bees actually enjoy dirty water.
Host Organic Growers
Supporting local farmers who support and help bees is a more hands-off approach to sustaining the bee population. Create a farmer’s market at the school and involve the students. You can even use marketing techniques to help educate the public on bees and why they should come to the market. Have a communications team that will reach out to local growers about renting a booth to sell at. And lastly, have a finance team that can keep track of the money flowing through this event. Although this is a time-consuming project that contributes to saving the bees, it will be rewarding for both the bees and everyone involved.
The impact that bees have on our daily lives and food supply is nothing short of incredible. The least we can do is educate our youth to appreciate the beautiful design of these creatures—they aren’t something to fear! Whether you’re a high school student or a student teacher, consider these fun and beneficial projects! Planting native plants, a bee pond, and hosting organic growers can contribute to a healthy bee population. Our ecosystem depends on bees. Let’s do our part to help the honeybee population flourish.
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