Ways That College Campuses Are Becoming Safer

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Ways That College Campuses Are Becoming Safer

Safety is one of the top concerns for every college campus. Any place where thousands of people, let alone students, are walking to and from classes, meals, and dorms must be safe. Unfortunately, it is somewhat tricky to make it completely safe. There are always hidden variables at play that potentially jeopardize student safety. However, colleges are aware of this, and you can read on to learn the different ways they are making their campuses safer.

Anonymous Alert Applications

As mentioned previously, thousands of students are on campus, and the campus may not be the safest for everyone. Bullying, theft, sexual harassment, and outright assault can occur. Many victims of issues like these feel they cannot receive help and choose not to come forward with their problems. To curb this and ensure that these issues are reported, campuses are instituting anonymous alert applications where students can anonymously report crimes. The goal is to get people to come forward about incidents, which can translate into the college instituting appropriate safety measures.

Expanding Cellular Service

One of the worst things about college campuses is that they have a lot of cellular dead zones because of their extensive size. There are so many cement buildings with multiple stories, basement levels, and similarly obfuscating architecture which render cell phones useless. This lack of service is dangerous because if someone were in an accident or in danger, they would be unable to call for help from certain areas of the campus. Thankfully, campuses understand this problem and are installing in-building DAS solutions to better manage security on campus.

More Focused Training

A significant issue plaguing college campuses is that many students feel schools do not adequately teach them how to recognize something or report on it. For example, orientations and training help students recognize sexual harassment, consent, or what to do if someone has a gun, but these are often unchanged over the years. Thankfully, more schools are giving these training courses the attention they need. With more thorough training, every student can understand when something dangerous is happening and what they can do to stop it or get the help they need.

Available Mental Health Resources

To make students feel safer on top of making the campus safer, many campuses are directing a lot of time and resources into mental health programs. These programs allow students to receive the mental help they need after navigating so many complicated and overwhelming feelings daily. Mental health counseling is terrific for helping students feel safer on campus, but it also can help stop other issues before they happen. For example, someone who bullies, steals, and assaults may not be a criminal but someone making the wrong choice. Available counseling helps someone recognize what they are doing and pushes them down the right path instead of the one putting others in harm’s way.

College campuses are becoming safer, and it’s thanks to hardworking college staff and newer technologies emerging. As time progresses, colleges will find even more ways to ensure the safety of their students!

Image Credit: Ways That College Campuses Are Becoming Safer by Adobe Stock royalty-free image #284364895

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