5 Top Tips for Taking Care of Your First Car
Written by SayStudent-admin // 2022/11/22 // Auto for Students // Comments Off on 5 Top Tips for Taking Care of Your First Car

Owning a car is a big responsibility. Between oil changes, replacing old parts, and practicing defensive driving, there’s a lot to keep in mind. You’re in charge of a powerful piece of machinery now, and it’s up to you to keep it running.
However, owning a car is also an important step towards independence! Enjoy the perks of having your own set of wheels while keeping your vehicle in tip-top shape for years to come. Use these tips for maintaining your first car as a guide to responsible vehicle ownership.
Stick To a Maintenance Schedule
Once you’ve got the keys and title in hand and the car is officially yours, check out the owner’s manual. It’ll give you valuable information on how often you should change the oil, replace the filters, rotate the tires, and other key maintenance tips.
Now get out your calendar. Mark down when you’ll be due for all of those things, and don’t delay in making appointments with your mechanic.
Heed Your Warning Lights
See all those lights on your dashboard? If one of them turns on while you’re driving, make a note of it and schedule a maintenance appointment as soon as possible. Driving with low tire pressure or low oil levels can cause unseen damage to your car if you ignore the lights and keep driving.
Top Up the Gas Tank
Gas prices can be expensive at times, but don’t let that be an excuse to drive until the tank is empty. Gasoline isn’t just fuel—it also serves as a coolant and lubricant for the engine. If you make a habit of waiting until the tank is empty to fill it up, you could run into engine trouble sooner than you think.
When your tank reaches 25 percent full, get to a gas station and fill it up.
Don’t Drive a Damaged Car
Should you get into a car accident that leaves your vehicle dented but drivable, schedule repairs as soon as possible. This is especially crucial with newer cars, as they often have ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems) sensors around the windshield. Those sensors are extremely sensitive and will require ADAS recalibration in order to give you accurate information and assistance while you drive.
Practice Defensive Driving
Driving your very own car is an exhilarating and freeing experience—but don’t let your excitement get the better of you! Follow speed limits, be aware of blind spots, keep a safe distance from other cars, and remember the lessons you learned in driver’s ed. Reckless and distracted driving are surefire ways to get into a crash, and frequent accidents will cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket.
If you’ve just received your first car, follow these helpful tips for taking care of it. Show your parents that you’re prepared for the responsibility by keeping it properly maintained and staying out of trouble while on the road!
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