Six Surprising Jobs You Can Get with Only a GED

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The General Education Development test is the equivalent to getting a high school diploma, designed for individuals who could not make it through high school. Nearly 97% of the higher institutions of learning recognize GED as a high school diploma. Here is a list of six areas where a GED graduate can land a job without having to go onto higher learning.

Freelance Writing

There are several tasks you can perform online and only require basic computer knowledge and an interest in writing. The amount paid by most companies might not make you an instant millionaire, but it will push you through the hard times. The types of jobs available for freelancers range from article writing, blogging, data entry, and filling online surveys for marketing companies.

Electrical Contractors

Becoming a technician doesn’t require an expensive degree. Training in a certified electrical course can earn you a decent living over time with the buildup of experience. Find a local course like the Independent Electrical Contractors of Greater Cincinnati who can offer training and information on certification dependent on their location. Some specialists in different areas in the field make as much as $40,000 per year. Most companies absorb GED or high school graduates who go through on-job training, and their levels upgrade as they acquire experience.

Cosmetologist and Hair Stylists

This field attracts many promising rewards and since it is a service industry, most make decent money from the tips alone. The good thing about most of their earnings, is most is non-taxable.

Insurance Agent

Becoming a reputable insurance agent take some training, education and certification. Those who perform best in the field are endowed with marketing skills that enable them to make a decent living. Most of the insurance agents are paid on commissions, and individuals earnings are limited by their efforts.


The plumbing industry has also grown over the last few decades, and plumbers can make a decent living out of it. Starting off at a technical college can get your career as a plumber started.

Dog Trainers

You will find pets in almost every home in America. Working in an obedience school as a qualified dog trainer can earn you a decent living and give you the chance to work with animals you love every day.

There are lot more jobs available for anyone with a high school diploma. Take the time to discover your interests and go into the field that suits your personality and dreams.

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