5 Stress-Management Habits for College Students

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5 Stress-Management Habits for College Students

College is a time of growing your knowledge, skills, and understanding of yourself and the world around you. There’s a lot of pressure to perform well at work and in classes and to meet deadlines. It’s no wonder so many students are stressed out.

Making the time to find greater balance can mean the difference between burning out and going strong. Practice these five stress-management habits for college students.

1. Eat Well and Stay Hydrated

Food and water are your body’s fuel sources. College students are notorious for eating fast, cheap food. But avoid sacrificing your health for convenience. Eating right and staying hydrated will improve your physical and mental well-being and help you manage stress.

When you can, cook your own meals. Research simple, affordable meals that don’t take long to make.

When you eat out or eat prepacked foods, compare your choices and go with the healthier option. In general, this means minimizing your intake of fried foods and sweets. Instead, eat more vegetables, whole grains, and protein.

2. Listen to Music

One of the quickest ways to ease your stress is to listen to music. Different types of music encourage different moods. If you need to study or relax, listen to genres like classical music or lo-fi hip hop.

If you’re stressed because you need to get a lot done, play music to energize you. Many genres have energetic songs and pieces you can get into, including rap, pop, and rock.

Listening to music throughout the day can help you avoid getting stressed out. And listening to music at strategic times can also help you manage your stress.

3. Get Organized

The third habit that helps college students manage stress is being organized. Organization goes beyond frantically putting items where they look good or where you think they “should” go. Personalize your organization so you have a method that works for you.

Even if you consider yourself a messy person, keeping your belongings organized will save you stress. You don’t need to worry about where things are or feel overwhelmed. Declutter your space and then use helpful organization tools, such as boxes, drawer dividers, and shelves.

4. Exercise Every Day

Everyday exercise is for everybody, not just workout enthusiasts. Bodies need periodic stretching, movement, and exertion. Just like eating healthy and drinking water is great for your body, exercise keeps your body in great shape, improving your blood circulation and building muscle.

Exercise also improves your mental health. Cardio exercises raise your heart rate and increase blood flow to your brain. A daily treadmill workout also offers health benefits and is perfect for reducing your stress.

5. Cultivate Positive Thinking

Finally, manage your stress with positive thinking. Positive thinking will help propel you forward instead of getting bogged down in self-doubt and negativity.

You can do specific things to cultivate positive thinking, such as keeping a gratitude journal, so you’re focused on what you appreciate in your life. Speak to yourself positively, forgive yourself, and be patient with yourself to foster a growth mindset.

Image Credit: Adobe Stock royalty-free image #341214416

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